So fondly now do I look back to the days when our confident nation was headed by that scheming, paranoid jowler from California. Throughout the 20th century, liberalism hit the U.S. in 3 waves, each dramatically increasing the interference by the government with its citizens. Each of the waves, which carried with them the detritus and debris of the shoddy policy and empty ideology of the progressives, came in the form of some crisis or another. For Mr. Wilson, it was WWI and the initial Red Scare. FDR of course furthered the communists via the Depression and WWII, while LBJ surfed high on the Civil Rights debacle. Now Mr. Obama, the fourth wave, perhaps the 4th rider of the Apocalypse (though I think God awards Americans more dignity than to end our proud legacy in his hands), rode in on the economic crisis. Of course, his beneficent government involvement speaks for itself.
The federal deficit has surpassed $1 trillion for the first time ever, and could grow to nearly $2 trillion by this fall. The Treasury Department announced Monday (7/13/09) that the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to $1.09 trillion, and the likely forecast of the deficit for the entire year is $1.84 trillion in October. Clearly Obama is going for the record. (Incidentally the deficit was 32 billion to the positive for the month of June in 2008).
Anyway this has all been said and is hardly a new threat. What is a threat however, and what makes me wish Nixon had a powerful heir, is the WHO. The World Health Organization, by linking the H1N1 virus to the 1918 epidemic (which of course, Wilson benefited from), has conjured up enough fear to go on record calling the virus, "unstoppable", declaring that every nation must acquire/develop vaccines.
Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research, addressed the findings of the WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, or SAGE, saying, "The committee recognized that the H1N1 pandemic ... is unstoppable and therefore that all countries need access to vaccine." Unstoppable? It's the first global crisis I'm aware of that can be cured by a few days' bed rest and plenty of fluids. Keeping in mind that the WHO went on record to proclaim the virus as intimately linked to swine upkeep, causing a nation-wide, government-sponsered slaughter of the pigs in Cairo and an increased rift between Muslim and Christian populations there, one wonders, who will strike at the bait this time? In Egypt, as it turned out, over 98% of the pigs were raised and consumed by Chrisitan farmers, and best of all, the WHO later admitted there's no link between the virus, pigs, and its transmission into the human populace.
Now, as Obama & Co. loom their tremendously expensive, all encompassing, tax the privately insured health care package above Congress, the WHO delivers just enough of a catalyst to dump their medical fantasies upon us. If only Nixon were President, he'd have some serious people keeping an eye on those WHOs, because they certainly seem to be in bit of a league here, and where were they to cure Nixon of his phlebitis?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Remembering Richard...
Health Care,
Richard Nixon,
Sneaky Communists,
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